Human-Centered Content Designer + UX Writer

Most Recent Work:

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  • How I Can Help:

    • Content Design - Planning, structuring, and writing content so it makes sense.
    • Information Architecture - Organizing information in an intuitive way.
    • Design Systems - Creating scalable patterns and standards for product teams.
    • Editing - Keeping what's necessary, tossing what's not.
    • UX Writing - Clear, helpful language to improve the user experience.
    • Taxonomy & Labeling - Grouping and naming things so they're easy to find.
    • Messaging & Positioning - What to say, how to say it, and why people should care.
    • Simplification - Making the complex feel easy.

    More About Me:

    You've made it passed the sea of work examples, so here's a little more about myself: I'm currently a UX Writer at Mint Mobile, where I spend my day turning words into super fun, delightful user experiences. Though, my life hasn't always revolved around pixels and prototypes. I used to be a medical student but ultimately decided to pursue the things I genuinely love doing day-to-day. When I'm not deep in the trenches of Figma, you can find me doing some freelance writing on international affairs, bouldering my way up some cliffs (real and fake ones), or playing some kind of instrument.